
Hi there.

It’s me - Lauren. Lauren Gamp. Did you know a Gamp is an old worn out umbrella? I’d like to think I’ve got a little more energy than that, but it’s a good ice-breaker. That, and my birdcage bag, but we’ll come back to that.

I’ve been designing professionally since 2013. I feel like I’ve covered a lot of ground. I freelanced with a start-up app breaking out as the Tinder of fashion, I moved on through military history and archeology magazines, and I’ve landed on travel and food publishing. I’ve learned a lot. I’m still learning. I love what I do and I’d love for you to have a look at what that love has helped me create.

After design, food is my other great love, which has lead to the creation of a supper club with a friend from work which you can read more about here.

P.s. Here’s me with a birdcage bag. It’s the most impractical thing I’ve ever bought (it doesn’t fit my phone, nor my epipen), but it makes me laugh every time I use it. That and the fact that it’s one hell of a conversation starter gives me all the joy. Take me as I come - and I guess I come with a birdcage bag.